Cyber Science: Protecting America’s Energy Future

Illustrator: Adam Malin

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Oak Ridge National Laboratory has built diverse teams of leading scientists, programmers, and engineers from across multiple disciplines who apply an integrated approach and leverage the lab’s unique tools and infrastructure to tackle some of the nation’s toughest cybersecurity challenges.

These teams are working to advance cybersecurity research, provide operations and analysis for federal agencies, develop new ways of protecting critical national infrastructure that rely on integrated cyber-physical systems (such as the electric grid, transportation systems, manufacturing systems, and industrial control systems), complete software vulnerability research, and perform R&D in game-changing multi-modal analytics and architectures for national security missions such as identity sciences, image and video exploitation, signals analysis, and other soft data analytics.

Artist’s Note:

This concept, while being more abstract, is no less critical to our national security. In this design I have tried to capture many concepts. The center shield is depicted as a viewing window through which we see our grid infrastructure and power generation. This shield is shown actively defending our grid through code, zapping any threats from the web as they approach. —Malin