Illustrator: Adam Malin and Nathan Armistead
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a leader in research that advances our understanding of complexity in biological systems. This work is leading to innovations that advance renewable energy, biodiversity science, sustainability, and help provide solutions to further the economy and tackle climate change. In support of this work ORNL has state-of-the-art greenhouses and is also home to:
- DOE’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data Center, which provides data to scientists from around the world.
- The Center for Bioenergy Innovation, which enables high-impact and value-added advances along the bioenergy supply chain.
- The Climate Change Science Institute, which fosters the integration of experiments, measurements, and simulation to achieve a predictive understanding of our changing world.
- The UT/ORNL Center for Molecular Biophysics, which explores the structural dynamics of biomolecules by uniquely working at the interface of biology, chemistry, and the physical sciences, aided by neutron and computational sciences.
Artist’s Note:
In this design I was inspired by the beautiful purple grow lights from the ORNL Greenhouses. I wanted to blend that color element in with the style of a high-tech laboratory. The organic shape of these plants contrasts directly with the metallic and rigid design of the laboratory around them. The plants are depicted to be growing various discoveries for our future within their leaves. —Malin