Working together with purpose, compassion, and respect for all

Oak Ridge National Laboratory thrives on the premise that diversity is essential, equity is inherent, inclusion is innate, and accessibility is achievable. These principles guide ORNL’s DEIA vision to create a welcoming environment that attracts, supports, and inspires a diverse and engaged workforce; fuels our scientific mission and impact; fosters greater accessibility for diverse communities; and increases the impact of DOE-supported research and development.

Workforce Demographics

ORNL employees value one another’s depth and breadth of ideas, backgrounds, and experiences. Follow our journey to enrich the Laboratory through DEIA with these demographic snapshots of the workforce as of September 30, 2024.

Employee category definitions  
  • Lab Senior Leadership: Director/President, Deputy Director/Vice President, Associate Lab Director 
  • Research/Technical Management (first-line and mid-level): Engineering Management, Research Management, Technical Management 
  • Operations Management (or Research Support): Business Management, Computer Systems, Communications, Environment/Safety/Health & Quality, Facilities & Operations, Human Resources, Legal, Tech Transfer, Strategic Planning 
  • Technical Research Staff: Non-Management Researchers, Scientists, or Engineers 
  • Operations Support Staff: Non-Management Support Roles 
  • Postdocs: Postdoctoral Employees 
  • Graduate Students: Funded by the Lab (does not include those funded by DOE directly)
  • Undergraduates: Funded by the Lab (does not include those funded by DOE directly (i.e., SULI))

Core Values

ORNL nurtures a culture where employees enjoy a sense of belonging, grow from equitable workplace opportunities, and share the same Core Values.

DEIA Goals

The plan for improving diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility at ORNL can be summarized in five goals that are critical for meeting our DEIA mission and vision.

Advisory Councils

Internal and external councils advise ORNL on DEIA gaps, opportunities, trends, and progress while contributing to organizational strategies.

Employee Resource Groups

The Laboratory’s employee resource groups (ERGs) work individually and together to help create a welcoming and supportive environment for all employees.

People & Places

Learn more about these ORNL employees and how their work helps distinguish ORNL as a premier research institution and a recognized workplace of choice.

Initiatives & Awards

Ongoing, award-worthy DEIA initiatives continually enrich the ORNL culture, our partnerships with external stakeholders, and our scientific impact.


Additional resources are available with helpful information and answers to your DEIA questions.